Large chunky frags of long tentacle Neon Green Star Polyps. This variety has extremely bright and very long 2-4" polyps when fully open.

Each frag will be at least 1" square sized, usually a bit larger. 

Star Polyps are a common beauty that is iconic in the hobby. It is hard to find a seasoned aquarist that has not owned green star polyps (or GSP for short) at one point or another in their enjoyment of reef aquariums. They are a hardy soft coral that grows quickly in encrusting mats. They do best in strong flow as their base tends to attract algae growth.

Green Star Polyps are not very sensitive to the intensity of lighting provided and will do well under light to high intensity lighting.

Corals will be shipped wet in bags via USPS Priority. GSP is a very hardy coral and does not require overnight shipping for success.