Mendels Zone: Symphony No. 1 & No. 3 "Scotland"


*** Product Information ***
Number of Disks: 1
Release Date: November 12, 2021
Record Label: UNTIL
Product Number: Bissa2469

*** Work Information ***
Conducted: Thomas Dausgow
Orchestra: Swedish chamber orchestra
Composition: Felix Mendels Zone

*** Recorded content ***

Number of configurations | 1 sheet
Total recording time | 01:06:21

Mendels Zone:
Symphony No.11 Op.11
(i. 9'31 + II. 5'53 + .iii 5'57 + IV. 7'52 = 29'24)
Symphony No. 3 "Scotland" OP.56
(i. 14'26 + II. 4'21 + III. 8'46 + IV. 8'35 = 36'09)

Thomas Dausgow (conductor)
Swedish chamber Orchestra

Session recording
June 9-14, 2019
Eleble Concert Hall (Sweden)

Producer: TAKE5 Music Production

*** Product Introduction ***

Introduction of product

A lively performance that gives a fresh and vitality! Swedish chamber tube led by Dausgow records the Mendels Zone. Symphony No. 1 and No. 3 "Scotland"! The Swedish chamber orchestra led by Dausgaux, which has been more active than BiS labels such as Schumann, Schubert, and Brahms. The "The Brandenburg Project" (KKC-6359 /61 / BIS SA-2199) released in 2021 recorded a 18-year-old large project with Brandenburg Concerto and a new work commissioned by six composers. It has been highly evaluated, including the art magazine "Special Edition" and the Asahi Shimbun for Your Collection "Recommendation Book". The new recording of the expectation has taken up the Mendels Zone. Speaking of the Mendels Zone, an album (BIS SA-2166) containing the overtaking "Beautiful Melgine Story", the accompanying music "Summer Night Dream", and the overtaking "Fingal Cave" (BIS SA-2166), "Captures the Mendels Zone Approximately Comparable Spirit. It was a topic recording in Europe as "performance". The first of the expected symphony is No. 1 and No. 3 "Scotland"! No. 1 is a work at the age of 15 in Mendels Zone, and although he had already written 12 songs "Symphony for String" 2, 2. The first symphony using a tube full orchestra. Although it is a dazzling music with an precocious genius, Dausgow is developing a performance full of outlook and vitality. On the other hand, "Scotland", which has a beautiful and lyrical melody, is also really wonderful! The hand soldier Swedish chamber tubes also express the fine nuances created by Dausgow, and the performances with exciting and delicate slow and slow are also shining here. 。 Enjoy the overwhelming performance born from long trust since 1997! King International

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