The Kilrock Slam Plughole Unblocker Power Shot Pack dissolves fat, grease and food remnants.

Product Features:
Quickly clears kitchen plugholes and pipes
Stops slow draining water

Slam Plughole Unblocker quickly clears kitchen plugholes and pipes and stops slow draining water.
Kills germs and when used regularly stops smelly sinks.

Made in the UK

1 Satchet - 60g

Key Info: 

Read whole label carefully.
Use only on kitchen plugholes.
Do Not use in the toilet.
Do Not mix with other chemical products.
Do Not leave product residues in an opened sachet.
Dispose of used sachet and cut off corner section immediately after use.
Take care on gold coloured fittings.

To prevent the build-up of blockages, give your plughole a SLAM every 2 weeks.

How To Use Kilrock Slam Plughole Unblocker - Kitchen: 

Empty remaining water from the sink.

1. Cut corner from pack, pour the entire pack contents slowly down the plughole.
2. Pour one cup of cold water down the plughole.
3. Leave for 15 minutes.
4. Flush plughole with lots of tap water.

Repeat this process a second time if the is not cleared. Do Not repeat a third time, call a plumber if the problem persists.