Commemorative print of 3 crowns, issued on 8/8/2021, 3 variant with same number.

The motif is a woman, on the obverse a portrait, on the reverse a naked female silhouette against a background of mountains.

Released for International Women's Orgasm Day, celebrated annually on August 8.

Printed by offset 8-color iris printing (direct colors, not CMYK) on paper with UV fibers and with the "WINDMILL - windmill" watermark. 1 UV color separately, the second component is light blue. There is one unintended interesting effect under UV - the blue eyes of the woman in the portrait really shine :-)

The paper is deliberately very colorful, the front side is supposed to symbolize the course of a female orgasm in its various variants and richness, the reverse side is the fading and calm after, when a woman feels very pleasant and relaxed. So be it :-D, personally I don't know what the author can know about it :-D.

Printed in three variants, more or less as a test of the capabilities of the given printer, from very fine lines to thicker and more complex underprints.

A total of 698 of each variant were printed.

- var. 1: Series Aa - fine wavy line underprint (aaaa), reverse also

- var. 2: Series Gb - rhombus underprint (G-b), reverse shaped differently and denser underprint

- var. 3: Series La - vertical and horizontal underprints of variously intertwining lines (Love), reverse side differently shaped and denser underprint, different guilloche color

Size 144x84mm

Used numbering - custom art nouveau numberer, digital.

Samples with stamp NÁTISK are not subject for sale.

It is not a Matěj Gábriš print, issued under the Budweiser banknotes brand, printed in July 2021.

In case of purchase of all three variants, the same numbers will be sent + a gift on top.

Tracked uninsured letter - 9 USD
Untracked uninsured - 4 USD.