Symbolic Hieronymus Machine with 24in copper coil around a pointed quartz crystal, that has been charged with a constant loop of healing music, healing mantras, and structured water that has been charged the same way. Beneath the Schematic of the Witness Plate Stick Pad are genuine copper. Within the Symbolic Hieronymus Machine are a number of Sacred Geometric Amplifying patterns and Healing Affirmations. 

What is a Hieronymus Machine: 

I am conducting experiments in healing and manifestation using this and similar Psionic Devices. I plan to publish the results of my experiments when I have enough confirmed and interesting results to share.

Unlocking the Versatile Powers of the Symbolic Hieronymus Machine: A Guide to Expansive Applications

Healing and Energy Work: 

Utilize the machine to direct healing energies toward individuals, targeting physical or emotional ailments. By focusing on the person's well-being, the machine can be set to channel intention and facilitate recovery from afar.

Agricultural Enhancement: 

Employ the device to promote the growth and health of plants. Users can improve crop yields and vitality by broadcasting specific energetic patterns supporting plant life.

Manifestation and Personal Development: 

Harness the power of the machine to manifest personal goals, aspirations, or desired outcomes. Focusing on specific intentions means one can attract opportunities, success, and positive changes.

Remote Assistance and Support: 

Offer emotional or spiritual support to individuals by sending positive energies and intentions through the machine, regardless of distance. This can help uplift someone's spirits or provide comfort during challenging times.

Environmental Clearing and Harmonization: 

Use the device to clear negative energies from spaces or environments, creating a more harmonious and positive atmosphere. Ideal for homes, workplaces, or any location that could benefit from energetic cleansing.

Psychic and Spiritual Exploration: 

Explore deeper states of consciousness, enhance psychic abilities, or establish spiritual connections. Practitioners can use the machine as a tool for meditation, insight, and expanding awareness.

Water Structuring and Energization: 

apply the machine to structure or energize water, it can infuse water with beneficial energies that can be healing or revitalizing when consumed or used for plants.

Each of these uses operates on the principle that intention and focused thought, facilitated by the Symbolic Hieronymus Machine, can influence physical and non-physical outcomes.

Embark on a Journey of Healing and Manifestation with the Enigmatic Symbolic Hieronymus Machine

Unveil the mysteries of metaphysical healing with our exclusive Symbolic Hieronymus Machine. This unique device, meticulously crafted, features a 24-inch copper coil gracefully encircling a pointed quartz crystal. The crystal is not just any ordinary stone; it has been lovingly charged with a continuous loop of healing music, powerful mantras, and specially structured water - each element synergistically enhancing its energetic potential.

Key Features of the Hieronymus Machine:

  • Sacred Geometry: The machine houses an array of sacred geometric patterns, known for amplifying energies.
  • Healing Affirmations: Imbued with potent affirmations, the device is a beacon of positive vibrations.
  • Copper Elements: The foundation includes genuine copper beneath the schematic of the Witness Plate and Stick Pad, adding to its conductive properties.

The Creator's Journey:

As the creator of this machine, I have delved deep into the realms of the metaphysical and spiritual. My explorations range from mind-bending feats like bending silverware telekinetically, sprouting seeds in my palms, to profound out-of-body experiences and remote viewing at The Monroe Institute in VA. 

My journey has also led me to the Arthur Findlay College in the UK, where I honed skills in spirit communication and distant healing.

My travels have taken me to some of the most spiritually potent locations across Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. I've immersed myself in the works of eminent figures in energy healing, including Emanuel Swedenborg, Phineas Quimby, Edgar Cayce, and more. My library brims with transformative texts like The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, The Secret Doctrine, and the Law Of One - RA Material, each read and reread, deepening my understanding and connection with the metaphysical world.

A Beacon of Empowerment:

While this Hieronymus Machine is a marvel in its own right, I believe in a fundamental truth - the real power lies within you. Unwavering faith, clear intent, and quiet introspection are the keys to manifesting your desires and channeling healing energies. This machine serves as "training wheels," aiding those on their path to discovering their innate capabilities.

Invitation to Experiment:

I encourage potential buyers to use their intuition, perhaps with a pendulum, to feel if this Symbolic Radionics Device aligns with their journey towards healing and manifestation. Purchasing this device means embracing it as a tool to augment your experiments and understanding of the mind's incredible power.

Live Joyously:

I am grateful for the opportunity to study, research, and experiment in this fascinating field and eagerly anticipate sharing my findings. Thank you for considering this journey with the Symbolic Hieronymus Machine.

Tutorials on how to use this device: 

Discover Alignment with Your Inner Guidance

Embark on a journey of deep self-discovery and spiritual alignment with our unique offerings. We believe that the key to finding the most resonant tools and experiences lies within your own intuitive wisdom. Before making a selection, we invite you to engage in a moment of reflection with your pendulum, allowing it to guide you towards what will serve you best at this point in your journey.

Here's a simple guide to help you connect with your inner guidance:

  1. Center Yourself: Find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself and enter a state of calm receptivity.
  2. Hold Your Pendulum: Grasp your pendulum gently, holding it over the center of your open palm or over the images/descriptions of our offerings.
  3. Set Your Intention: Silently or aloud, ask your higher self to guide you towards the offerings that will bring the most value and growth to your life right now.
  4. Observe the Response: Release any expectations and watch the movement of your pendulum. A swing in any particular direction can be your intuitive guidance speaking to you.
  5. Trust Your Guidance: Whether it directs you towards a specific offering or suggests waiting, trust that this intuitive process is leading you to exactly where you need to be.

Our creations, inspired by timeless wisdom and aimed at nurturing your spiritual growth, are here to support you. Let your pendulum guide you to what resonates best, be it for healing, abundance, or transformative change. This is an invitation to align your choices with your soul's path, ensuring that what you bring into your life is perfectly attuned to your deepest needs and aspirations.

May your journey be illuminated by the clarity and wisdom that resides within you.