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Spiritual Warfare Vol 1

Series Description: War is upon us, but it does not exist between countries or governments. There is an invisible battle between Satan’s demonic host and Jesus Christ’s heavenly host—and our planet is the battlefield. In this series by Dr. Tony Evans, identify the enemy’s tactics, and discover the weapons God has provided to you. Conquer your enemy, and become victorious today.

#1 – The Nature of the Battle (Ephesians 6:10-12): There is no battle you can think of that can compare to the daily battle of spiritual warfare. Because this battle will affect everything and everyone in your life, Tony Evans wants to prepare you for the fight by taking a look at the spiritual solutions provided to us through Scripture.

#2 – The History of the Battle (Ezekiel 28:11-19): The reason there are so many casualties in spiritual warfare is that we forget that we are in a constant battle. In this lesson, Tony Evans discusses the origin of this spiritual battle and how it came to be because of the judgment that Satan incurred.

#3 – The Expansion of the Battle (Genesis 3:1-6): Just as a sports team visits a competitor’s field, we are born into this world while Satan holds home-court advantage. Though Scripture says the whole world lies in the hands of the evil one, coming to Jesus Christ means you are born again into yet another world: the kingdom of God.

#4 – The Scope of the Battle (Daniel 10:7-14): There are too many Christians who attend church on Sunday for something more resembling a party or a parade rather than learning how to go to war with the enemy. In this lesson, discover the four major areas in which Satan operates and how you can combat the enemy with warfare prayers. 

#5 – The Basis of Authority (Colossians 2:9-15): Where do we find authority to wage spiritual battles victoriously? Where can we go to find shelter from Satan’s ever-present attacks? Tony Evans calls these questions of authority. In this lesson, learn how Jesus Christ has given you an authority under Him that you never knew to be possible.

#6 – The Agency of Authority (Matthew 16:13-19): Some may believe that church is a building or a program, but Scripture calls it a community that believes Christ is Lord. In this lesson, learn about the spiritual authority that Christ placed in the church and how a church can legitimately exercise its role of influence in culture when placed under His authority.

Spiritual Warfare VOl 2

Series Description: War is upon us, but it does not exist between countries or governments. There is an invisible battle between Satan’s demonic host and Jesus Christ’s heavenly host—and our planet is the battlefield. In this series by Dr. Tony Evans, identify the enemy’s tactics, and discover the weapons God has provided to you. Conquer your enemy, and become victorious today.

#7 – The Weapons of Authority (Ephesians 6:10-18): When soldiers are sent out on a mission, they are sent thoroughly equipped to ensure their success. God has also provided us with the tools we need to fight the spiritual fight. Discover the tools God has in store for you in this lesson.

#8 – The Access to Authority (Ephesians 6:18-24): What good is any authority if you have no means of accessing it? Tony Evans wants you to know how to access the authority of heaven given to you. In this lesson, discover how, through prayer, you express dependency and gain access to God’s authority.

#9 – Tearing Down Personal Strongholds (James 4:1-12):  When you begin to accept that a bad habit is unbreakable, you become trapped in what Tony Evans calls a stronghold. Many Christians believe that if they have a stronghold then they were meant to have it, but God wants you to break out of the grip holding you hostage and experience freedom.

#10 – Tearing Down Family Strongholds (Genesis 3:8-21): Whether it’s a paralyzed marriage or rebellious children, the enemy loves to create strongholds within the family. Learn what Satan uses to cause family strongholds and how you can cure them in this lesson.

#11 – Tearing Down Church Strongholds (Revelation 1:9-20): As Satan seeks to create strongholds in individuals and families, he also seeks to hold the church hostage. Learn how strongholds reduce God in the congregation to cause little authority and little passion to manifest.

#12 – Overcoming Strongholds in Your Community (1 Timothy 2:1-8): Community strongholds are everywhere to be found: the government, the education system or even in major corporations. Because the problems you see in society all have a spiritual dimension to them, Tony Evans says resolution can only be achieved through unity and a focus on God at the center.

The Keys to Spiritual Victory

The Keys to Spiritual Victory shows you how to put the game-changing power of God to work in your life so you can live above your circumstances instead of under them. If you feel like you've been fighting a losing battle against the devil, your own desires, other people, or any kind of problem or pain, these 10 lessons will help you discover how God has equipped you to see the kind of turnaround you’ve been waiting for.

Messages Include:
  • The Keys to Increasing Your Faith – Luke 17:5-10
  • Changing God's Mind – 2 Kings 20:1-11
  • Reversing Satan's Rule – Colossians 2:8-15
  • Binding & Loosing with Authority – Matthew 16:13-19
  • Game Changers – 1 Samuel 17:41-47
  • The Key to Spiritual Victory – Revelation 10:10
  • Why God Wants to Bless You – Luke 5:1-11
  • Claiming Your Legal Rights – Luke 18:1-8
  • Claiming Your Complete Spiritual Victory – 2 Kings 13:13-19
  • Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen – 1 Samuel 30:1-6
The Keys to Increasing Your Faith (Luke 17:5-10) - If God seems far away, Dr. Evans says that it may be because there’s not enough life in your spiritual life. This message from Luke 17 focuses on what it takes to be "revived" and describes how our circumstances change when our relationship with God is restored.

Changing God's Mind (2 Kings 20:1-11) - When the Lord has spoken and your situation is hopeless, it seems far-fetched to think that there’s anything you can do to change God’s mind. Dr. Evans discusses the Scripture that says otherwise as he explains how we can get a new shot at life even when our circumstances are terminal.

Reversing Satan's Rule (Colossians 2:8-15) - Dr. Evans says that even though Satan was defeated and his authority taken away, many of us have handed it right back to him. He goes on to explain how you can re-claim your God-given power and break free from the devil's influence.

Binding & Loosing with Authority (Matthew 16:13-19) - Power is pointless unless you put it to work.  So this lesson from Matthew 16 reveals how to use the keys God has given you to unlock the spiritual authority many Christians don’t even know they have.

Game Changers (1 Samuel 17:41-47) - There's an old sports saying that goes, "it's not over 'til it's over." Dr. Evans explains why the same is true when it comes to the spiritual contests in your life and reveals how the "game-changing" power of God can come to your rescue.

The Key to Spiritual Victory (Revelation 12:10-11) - In sports, players wear different uniforms so they don’t accidentally wind up playing against their teammates. Dr. Evans will take you to Revelation 12 as he helps you sort out who’s who on the spiritual field and discover the key to your victory.

Why God Wants to Bless You (Luke 5:1-11) - Despite God's generosity, there’s a point to his providence. Dr. Evans reveals what it is as he tells a famous biblical "fishing story" that illustrates how God’s power is just getting warmed up when ours has run out. 

Claiming Your Legal Rights (Luke 18:1-8) - As Christians, we're saved by grace, not the law. But Dr. Evans explains that God's law guarantees you certain rights you can depend on when you're facing problems or pain. Discover why God is waiting for his people to stand up and claim those rights, and why so few actually do.

Claiming Your Complete Spiritual Victory (2 Kings 13:13-19) - The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" isn't in the Bible; God helps those who depend on Him. But Dr. Evans says that there is a vital role that God intends you to play in your own spiritual victory as he helps you find the perseverance you need to hold out for nothing less than complete healing and wholeness.

Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen (1 Samuel 30:1-6) - In life, we win some and we lose some. But in our spiritual life, Dr. Evans explains that even the battles you lose can be turned into victories as he reveals how you can take back the territory you never should have lost in the first place.