The Nile on eBay

Aainer Fnade

by Gopi Nath Paul

The story of this book is about how a section of law has been used for trapping and looting a person. A greedy family arranged the marriage of their only daughter to an ordinary family. While they encountered an economic- crisis, they used their psychotic daughter to extort money from her husband. Meanwhile, they had two babies and so the husband couldn't stop the knavery. He understood till these kids will be under the psycho- mother, it won't be possible to stop. In such chaos, one child falls sick and their father took him to the hospital. For him, this was a great opportunity to take him out of his mother's grip and so, executed. But on progress, the evil family barriered him pointing the law which is in favour of Mother. To escape from the trap woven by the sinister, he lodged a case - by then, all the evidence was folded and also psycho doctor deviated. At last, by the intelligence of the prayer and proficiency of the lawyer, the trap was dismantled and the babies ungripped.

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Author Biography

Gopi Nath is from Kolkata, imaginative by nature, loves to write a fiction novels and listens to instrumental music, watches art film as well as criticizes them. He thought himself capable of writing attractive stories sprinkled with philosophy; and so, started writing on 2016 which found a cinematic style than novella. So, another was started titled "Heroine of the Novel" with simple, rhythmic description and published on October, 2019. On the progress, he published couple of books. "The Death Sentence", "The Neighbour" and "In The Deadfall of Law"


Author Gopi Nath Paul
Pages 282
Publisher Blue Rose Publishers
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9789356280069
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-06-01
Imprint Blue Rose Publishers
Audience General
