"Castrapolis" -Cantata and Aria in Naples


*** Product Information ***
Number of Disks: 1
Release Date: October 12, 2022
Record Label: UNTIL
Product Number: Bissa2585

*** Work Information ***
Counter Tenor: Nikolo Barducci
Performer: Dan Laurin
(Recorder, music director)
Ensemble: Dorch Afetti
Counter Tenor: Nikolo Barducci
Performer: Dan Laurin
(Recorder, music director)
Ensemble: Dorch Afetti

*** Recorded content ***

Number of configurations | 1 sheet
Total recording time | 01:21:15

● Johann Adolf Hassse (1699-1783): "Non PiangeTe, Amati Rai (not crying, beloved eyes)" -The operative "Certified Ciro Riconosciuto" (1751)
● Giuseppe Polgirre (1680-1750): From the opera "Urissse's Return to Homeland (IL Ritorno Di Ulisse Alla Patria)"
Elvilla's Aria "SVENTURATO CHI PIAGATO (Poor, Heart Heart)" (Act 2 19)
Cleonte's Aria "TU SEI CRUDEL COSI (you are cruel)" (Act 2 10)
Teremaco's Aria "APRI CIRENE LUMI"
Teremacaco's Aria "Fiero Sdegno Dell'alma Guerriero (the high despise of the warrior's soul)" (Act 1 15)
Cleonte's Aria "QUEL VOLTO VEZZOSO (that beautiful face)" (Act 2 5)
Teremako's Aria "Mi Preparo A TrionFar (ready to win)" (Act 3 7)
● Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725): Cantata "Fighting Heian (QUELLA PACE GRADITA)"
● Domenico Auretta (1723-1753): Concerto Hang-Chembaro, for two violins and bass
● Domenico Natle Sarlo (1679-1744): Cantata "Dimmi Bel Neo Che Fai (Beautiful Mokuroyo)"
● Traditional song "Tarantella del Gargano" -for voice and baroque guitar

Nikolo Baldutci (counter Tener)
Anna Paladiso (Chembalo, Kyodo Music Director)
Doluchi Afetti
Dan Laurin (1st recorder)
Kate Han (2nd recorder)
Chestin Frodine (1st oboe)
Ele Neumura (2nd Oboe)
Muts Kring Fash (bassoon)
Maria Lindal (violin, leader)
Carolina Vaber Ekdal (Violin)
Joel Sundien (viola)
Continue bass:
Anna Paladiso (Chambalo)
Kate Han (cello)
Tumas Jetonson (contrabass)
Dohyo Sol (Arch Lute, Baroque Guitar)
Dan Laurin (Music Director)

HARPSICHORD: Francois Paul Ciocca, Riccia 2008, After Nicolas & Francois Blanchet 1730
Recorder: Alto Recorder by Francesco Livirghi

*** Product Introduction ***

Introduction of product

The debut edition of the Baroque Ensemble "Dolachi Afetti" formed by the Laurin & Paladiso couple! A Cantata and Aria collection "Castorapolis" SACD Hybrid, a napoli -Barducci, a hottest counterter. The first album of Sweden's Baroque Ensemble "Doluchi Afetti" will be released. Formed by recorder player Dan Laurin and Mrs. Anna Paladiso, Mrs. Anna Paladiso, for the purpose of exploring the Naples music collection of the Naples Conservatory. Musicists who are active in the Swedish Baroque Music scene, such as the violin Maria Lindal and the Oboe Chestin Frodine, participated. An album that sang Cantata and Aria in Naples. French novelist Dominic Fernandez has a word "Castrapolis" used in the 1974 novel "Porpolino OU Les Mysteres de Naples" to represent the southern capital of many Casoprano. It was adopted in the album title. At the beginning of the program, Johann Adolf Hassse, who visited Naples to learn from Alessandro Scarlatti, was sung by two recorders and oboes from the Accepted Curus composed by the Meta Star Geo script. Amati Rai (don't cry, love your eyes)]. Giuseppe Polgiele's Return to Urisse's Homeland (Return Urise) was a 23 -year -old Castrat singer Domenico Gotzi in a professional debut. It is composed in a script by another writer, based on the same story of Homeros's Odysseia, the same as Monteveldi's opera. Alessandro Scarlatti's "Fighting Heian" is a solo cantata for soprano, with a recuder, a solo violin, cello and continuous bass. (1/2) King International

Release / sales source provided material

Domenico Auretta was born in Naples and died at the age of 30. Chembaro, "Concerto Hang -style" for two violin and continuity bass is a work that the Naples Conservatory library preserves the score. Domenico Natare Sarlo was born in Torani and studied at the Naples Conservatory of Santo Onoofrio. Cantata for voice and continuous bass, "Let me talk, beautiful mole" is also a work held by the Naples Conservatory Library. Prior to the performance of Cantata, the first recitation of Dimmi Bel Neo Che Fai will be sandwiched. At the end of the album, Salo, Castorat singer Farinelli, Anna Paladiso, and Nikolo Baldutci are the sung "Tarantella" in the Apprix (Puglia). Sopranista, who is good at baroque music, and Nikolo Balducci, a countertainer, was born in 1999 in Canorza di Puria, Italy. He first taught Soprano singer Anah Maria Stella Panandini, and acquired a master's degree at the Matera's Academy of Music, and a master's degree of Vi Chenza Conservatory, who studied Baroque in Jemma Bertanoli. He was invited to the Giorgio Chini Foundation in Venice and the Stradella Music Festival in Vitelbo, and participated in competitions such as Nikolo Pitchinni, which was first selected. The encounter with Dan Laurin in Vitelbo's "Festival Stradella" led to the appearance of the 2020 to 2021 concerts and this recording. (2/2) King International

Release / sales source provided material