Are you intrigued by the idea of mining Bitcoin from the comfort of your home, without the need for bulky, expensive equipment? Are you eager to be part of the open-source mining movement, contributing to the advancement and innovation within the Bitcoin mining ecosystem? If so, the Minibit Ultra 1366 is the perfect fit for you. This sleek and efficient device offers the capability to mine Bitcoin at an impressive rate of up to 500 GH/s, boasting an efficiency of 0.03J/GH. Brought to you by D-Central, a Canadian frontrunner in Bitcoin mining solutions, the Minibit Ultra 1366 is powered by the robust Bitaxe v2.2 miner, incorporating the BM1366 ASIC chip and an ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 WiFi microcontroller for seamless connectivity. Enclosed in a stylish 3D printed Mini-S9 shell, it not only ensures optimal heat dissipation but also adds an aesthetic appeal to your mining setup. As an open-source device, the Minibit Ultra 1366 invites you to tailor and enhance it to meet your specific mining needs. You're also encouraged to join the collaborative effort in refining open-source mining by engaging with the project on GitHub. The Minibit Ultra 1366 is designed for Bitcoin mining aficionados, hobbyists, and experts alike, offering a personal touch to the mining experience.

Features and Benefits of the Minibit Ultra 1366:

Embrace the opportunity to mine Bitcoin from your own home with the Minibit Ultra 1366. Don't miss out on becoming a part of the vibrant open-source mining community and experiencing the thrill of personal Bitcoin mining

For more information and to purchase, visit D-Central's Minibit Ultra 1366 product page.