Mo's Genealogy Postcards

Recipients Name:  Miss Ethel Shakeshaft

Recipients Address:   The Chestnuts, Lymm, Nr Warrington, Cheshire 

Sender Details:    

Postcard Pic View:  Warwick

Please ignore any lines caused by the scanner.
Genealogy: In an effort to assist people researching their family history I have decided to make postally used pre 1932 postcards available for research purposes. These postcards will have defects which range from minor creases and tears to major faults. The postcards are only being offered for research purposes. Please do not expect a damage free postcard. 
I will endeavour to list the recipients correct details. Errors may be made. To improve your chances of locating an ancestor why not type the name or address into the search box of my store. 
Imagine obtaining a postcard written or received by an ancestor. These unique historical records are priceless.   