Our story continues where we left Major Alex Khan, face to face with his killer and fellow SAS teammate Ciburi. These two last members of the RAVEN Squad must battle it out and get to the point of all of this. and who is the mysterious Dr. Menkin? and what is his role in all that has happened to Alex and will he finally have his glorious vengeance? HMMM

This is the final part of my five-part series that I've brought to you throughout 2023 thank you for supporting me on this journey.

Think of this series as a John Wick meets Cyberpunk Highlander with a Metal-Gear type boss system more episodical like a TV show than just chapters. I wanted to create a different type of Sci-fi comic for not just mechs and space but something that I would enjoy reading.

Something that I find interesting, and part of many Sci-Fi storylines' DNA, IE:  Buck Rogers; is what would happen if I woke up just a decade later? In the past 5 short years, we've seen a massive shift in human behavior, as well as Pandemics, Wars, and Space Travel that we would not have thought possible ten years ago.