1/4 lb.  of seeds

insecticide-free seed



  • If you're looking for a tender and sweet corn for your home garden, Peaches & Cream is the answer! 

    Peaches and Cream sweet Corn is a Non- GMO variety that produces delicious, 8 & 1/2 inch ears. Peaches and Cream is among one of the best sellers and is sought after for it's rich, sweet flavor. Ready for harvesting in roughly 80 to 85 days. A bi color white and yellow kernels that provide two different flavors in each bite.
     A hybrid sweet corn,  Hybrids are created when you cross pollinate two vegetables of the same plant species. This process is completely natural and can be accomplished over many years. Other factors that breeders take into consideration is resistance to disease, flavor, 83 days until harvest.  Corn will typically take anywhere between 7 to 10 days to germinate. over a 1/4 lb.   seeds per bag.

     Peaches & Cream Sweet Corn Seeds
  • Days: 83
  • Ear Height: 26"
  • Ear Size: 8 x 1.8" 
  • Kernel Rows: 16-18

    PURE SEED         99.50 %
    INERT                     0.50 %
    WEED SEED          0.00 %
    GERMINATION     90.00 %
    TEST DATE          11/23