To Sea and Back: The Heroic Life of the Atlantic Salmon by Richard Shelton (Paperback, 2010)

Publisher : Atlantic Books Main - Print on Demand edition (1 Jun 2010)
Language : English
Paperback : 228 pages
ISBN-10 : 1843547856
ISBN-13 : 978-1843547853
Dimensions : 127 x 178 x 2032 cm

Product Description

Combining natural history with beguiling autobiographical and historical narrative To Sea and Back is a dazzling portrait of a fish whose story is closely intertwined with our own.Indispensable and powerful... To Sea and Back mingles history with biography and science... Shelton writes with a poets ear... A writer to be prized.-- Tom Adair ScotsmanThe Atlantic salmon is an extraordinary and mysterious fish. In To Sea and Back Richard Shelton combines memoir and deep scientific knowledge to reveal from the salmons point of view both the riverine and marine worlds in which it lives. He explores this iconic fishs journey to reach its feeding grounds in the northern oceans before making the return over thousands of miles to the burns of its birth to reproduce. Along the way Shelton describes the feats of exploration that gave us our first real understanding of the oceans and shows how this iconic fish is a vital indicator of the health of our rivers and oceans. Above all To Sea and Back is the story of Richard Sheltons lifelong passion for the sea and his attempt to solve the perennial enigmas of the salmons secret life. Read more

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