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Sermon Series Descriptions: Just as a baby must grow to experience all that life is designed to offer, the Christian must also grow to experience the abundant life in Christ. These messages will help you understand how to develop a dedicated and dynamic Christian lifestyle.  

The Importance of Spiritual Growth (2 Peter 3:14-18): We’ve all heard of the need for spiritual growth, but there are far too many Christians who do not fully grasp what that process entails. Some approach it by seeking vast amounts of Biblical knowledge, while others devote their time to religious activity or frustratingly grit their teeth in self-determination. If you’re unsure as to why you should be trying to grow as a Christian, join Tony Evans in this look at what spiritual growth really means and why it’s so important.

The Foundation of Spiritual Growth (2 Peter 1:1-4): In order for you to better understand the process of your spiritual growth, it’s first important to understand its foundation: your spiritual birth. If a faulty foundation creates a weak superstructure, then Tony Evans wants you to clearly understand how your birth relates to your growth. Uncover the divine nature God has planted in you that, if allowed to grow, will produce noticeable changes from the inside out.

Identity: The Key to Spiritual Growth (Romans 6:1-11): Many of us are being held hostage by the smallest chains yet cannot seem to break free. Your new nature in Christ means you have a new identity, but if you have yet to accept it, you’ll find yourself burdened under the chains of others. In this lesson, Tony Evans looks at the key to your spiritual development that is not just having Christ in you but allowing Him to live in you.

Grace: The Environment of Spiritual Growth (Ephesians 2:1-10): When you experience your new birth in Christ, God already has the ideal environment waiting for you in which your new life can flourish: it’s called grace. But growing in grace is much more difficult than it may seem—it’s completely foreign territory to everything we’ve known. In this lesson, develop your understanding of grace to become fully enabled on the path of spiritual growth.

The Holy Spirit: The Enablement of Spiritual Growth (John 14:16-26): You could spend all the money you had on the nicest car you’ve ever seen, but if you neglect to add in the gas to power it, you won’t be going very far. Your new nature in Christ is perfect in every detail, but without the right power, it can’t do what it was designed for. In this lesson, learn about the power of the Holy Spirit that God has given to every believer necessary to fuel your new nature.

Prayer: The Access of Spiritual Growth (Hebrews 4:14-16): If the Holy Spirit is what gives power to your new nature, then prayer is the medium through which you can interact with it. But for many people, prayer feels so distant to the realities of everyday life that it takes last priority. In this lesson, Tony Evans will talk about the necessity that prayer is to spiritual growth and how you should be using it to develop the new life you have in Christ.

Faith: The Conduit of Spiritual Growth (James 2:14-26): The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. If faith is the only mechanism that God has provided to us that can link us to a realm we cannot see, then it is crucial we know how to practice it. In this lesson on faith, Tony Evans looks at the meaning of faith and the function it has in our Christian lives.

Scripture: The Food of Spiritual Growth (1 Peter 2:1-5): A lot of Christians experience all too often what Tony Evans likes to call spiritual anorexia. That is, starving themselves of spiritual nutrition necessary for the building up of the soul, and the main contributing factor is that we are simply satisfied with illegitimate substitutes. Discover the importance of hungering for the sincere Word of God that is needed for your spiritual growth