Good Food: Veggie dishes by Good Food Guides (Paperback, 2014)

Publisher : BBC Books Revised edition (9 Oct 2014)
Language : English
Paperback : 216 pages
ISBN-10 : 1849908680
ISBN-13 : 978-1849908689
Dimensions : 1524 x 152 x 1524 cm

Product Description

For exciting vegetarian recipe ideas try Good Food: Veggie Dishes. Divided into Soups Salads and Snacks; Light Meals; Pasta Rice and Noodles; Main Courses; Dairy-free Dishes and Desserts youre guaranteed to find a tasty vegetarian recipe for every occasion. Whether you choose Lemon Butter Gnocchi Purple Sprouting Broccoli Potato and Blue Cheese Gratin or Banana Muesli Toffee Crunch every recipe has been tried and tested by the Good Food team to ensure fantastic results every time you cook.Taken from BBC Good Food Magazine Britains top cookery title the recipes are all short and simple with easy-to-follow steps using readily available ingredients and are accompanied by a full-colour photograph of the finished dish.This edition is revised and updated with brand new recipes and a fresh new look.

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