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Ingenious Dragon

by Christopher Hassan

Hark, good reader, and lend thine ear to "The Ingenious Dragon," a tome of whimsy and merriment, where sense is vanquished and the absurd doth hold sway. Journey with Lord Mayonnaise, the valorous knight of bread-sword bearing, the Great Frog, mage of amphibious enchantments, and a Dragon, whose tongue doth speak in riddles most perplexing. Together, they embark on a fantastical quest to confront the enigmatic Slumberlord and seek the prize most coveted-a dessert of legend, the Banana Split.In this realm, where the ordinary becometh extraordinary, thou shalt traverse enchanted lands and encounter curious denizens of the peculiar and the fantastical. From potion brewers with cauldrons bubbling to villains who autograph with quills, each encounter shall be a whimsical jape, an escapade of unpredictable delight.Guided (and oft taunted) by a sardonic narrator, whose voice doth echo from the heavens, our heroes navigate a labyrinth of the ludicrous. Yet, the journey to the Banana Split is fraught with hilarity and the unknown. Will our valiant trio prevail in their quest of the absurd, or shall they be beguiled by the charm of the comical and the eccentric?"The Ingenious Dragon" is a joyous ballad, a celebration of the boundless imaginings that dance within the mind. Whether thou art a seeker of adventure or a bard of the comical, this craftéd tale shall captivate, amuse, and remind thee that the most wondrous of journeys are those that defy reason and dwell in the realm of the nonsensical.

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Author Christopher Hassan
Pages 80
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798390734254
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-04-09
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle A Whimsical Journey Through the Absurd
Audience General
