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A Renovated Life

by Kit Roberts

Unveiling the transformative power of recovery, A Renovated Life inspires readers to reimagine and rebuild their lives from the ground up. Let this captivating book guide you toward a future that surpasses your wildest dreams. Recovery from addiction becomes a captivating room-by-room renovation project when you embark on a transformative journey through the pages of A Renovated Life. Step inside and witness the profound impact addiction has on character flaws and discover the metaphorical tools that can breathe new life into our existence. Each chapter serves as a window into a different room within the house of our lives. Drawing from personal experiences, the author vividly depicts the challenges specific to each space and offers invaluable insights on how to renovate them. Take, for instance, the enlightening chapter on the bathroom, appropriately named "Clogged." It invites readers to confront the areas in their addiction-ridden lives that demand change, gazing into the mirror of self-reflection. It also prompts contemplation on the elements hindering progress, urging readers to expel them, much like disposing of bodily waste. This process of reflection and elimination becomes a daily ritual for growth. At the outset, the book emphasizes the significance of having a blueprint and a guiding presence to navigate this profound transformation. A strong foundation is crucial to construct a new life in recovery. With a delightful infusion of wit and humor, the author highlights the necessary changes for a well-lived life, while providing thought-provoking questions. A Renovated Life does not seek to solve readers' problems; instead, it empowers them to envision and execute their own remarkable life remodel. In the final chapter, readers are equipped with metaphorical tools, their symbolic counterparts designed to furnish their journey towards a successful life of recovery. From the "hammer of honesty" to the "drill of determination," these instruments symbolize the essential elements required for a life of restoration. A Renovated Life is suitable for individuals in recovery from various substance use disorders or other addictions. Organizations may use this book to learn how to best support individuals in recovery as they implement Recovery Friendly Workplaces.

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Author Kit Roberts
Pages 164
Publisher Renovated Life
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798218263195
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-09-21
Imprint Renovated Life
Subtitle Restoration Room by Room
Audience General
