Danny Dyer: The Real Deal by Martin Howden (Hardcover, 2009)

Publisher : John Blake Publishing Ltd (7 Sept 2009)
Language : English
Hardcover : 288 pages
ISBN-10 : 1844548236
ISBN-13 : 978-1844548231
Dimensions : 1524 x 254 x 2413 cm

Product Description

Born in East London Danny Dyer began his career early on when at the age of just 14 he was discovered at his local Sunday school by an agent who auditioned him for the acclaimed Prime Suspect alongside Helen Mirren. Danny won the part and later went on to work on such classic TV series as A Touch of Frost Loved Up and Soldier Soldier. It wasnt long before he moved into film with 2007 seeing the release of several high profile movies: The All Together Severance Straightheads and Outlaw. A passionate football player and lifelong fan Danny has never shirked from the games darker side. He presented the hit documentary series exposing the hardest fans in football with The Real Football Factories and The Real Football Factories International. Danny fearlessly travelled throughout the world in search of those supporters whose exploits are often more terrifying than the most brutal movie. But even with all his amazing success Danny has never forgotten his roots. He still lives in Londons East End with his family and friends who ensure that he remains a grounded lad. And in 2007 he leapt at the chance of becoming the chairman of Kent Leagues Greenwich Borough football team in south-east London. Martin Howdens The Real Deal is an insightful in-depth and honest account of one of Britains most gifted and most uncompromising talents. Read more

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