Approx size 24mm x 12mm x 11mm (thickness at widest part)
Weight: 3.84 gm

Please use the images provided as a description to the exact piece of moldavite you will receive from this listing.  I have several pieces listed varying in size and price, all of excellent quality. 

The Moldavite I offer for sale is 100% genuine.  

My personal write up on MOLDAVITE

Moldavite was formed 15 million years ago when a meteorite impacted the Moldau valley region of southern Bohemia in the Czech republic. The impacting meteorite hit with such force that it melted the ground and cast debris high up into the atmosphere where it cooled and fell back to earth. 

We have many regions on earth, paticularly in China and Australia where impacting metoeorites have caused molten material to be created. These glassy objects are  classified as tektites. Most tektites are ball or teardrop shaped but moldavite is much more freeform and exhibits striations and marking across it's surface.

Moldavite has been sent to us from the furthest reaches of space and in many ways is an embodiment of universal patriarchal energy and mother earth - a beautiful union of masculine and feminine energy.

Moldavite is one of the most powerful crystals available to us - the premier stone of transition for healing and self growth. Her effects on us can be rapid and care needs to be taken to stay well grounded when working with or connecting with this beautiful green gemstone.

Moldavite not only opens doors for spiritual, emotional and mental expansion - she has the tendency to kick them open and often helps us through them with a bit of a push. Staying grounded is key to smoothing out the transition one experiences when first connecting with moldavite. Grounding one's self with crystals that connect to the earth chakra such as Vanadinite or fire opal, smoky quartz, magnetite, boji stones / concretions or black / brown tourmalines are all excellent crystals to use when connecting with moldavite.

Moldavite is one of my favourate crystals to work with in healing as she has the ability to cleanse all the chakra's and the aura of heavy energy and clear blockages like no other crystal.

Moldavite corresponds mainly with the heart chakra but also works well at the brow and crown chakra's as well as the none physical chakra's above the head.

She teaches us how to shape our self from trauma and shows us how to best navigate through the changes we often face in our lives.

Please Note: Our crystals are sent via Royal Mail and will require a signature at the point of delivery.