For all the Ghostbusters fans out there, this Retro Action figure set is a must-have addition to your collection. This set features Janine Melnitz and Samhain from the Real Ghostbusters TV show, manufactured by Mattel in 2011. The attention to detail on these figures is impressive, capturing the essence of the characters perfectly. The set also includes FireHouse, constructed with the packaging, a featured location from the franchise. 

Any flaws on packaging can be viewed in the pictures. Will ship Fast and Free!

-10% of the sale of this item will benefit Beyond Batten Disease Foundation-
Beyond Batten Disease Foundation was established in 2008 to raise awareness and funds for medical research for Batten disease. Juvenile Batten Disease is a rare and genetic neurodegenerative condition that affects otherwise healthy children and is fatal by the late teens or early 20s.