11th Maccabiah 1981
Official Award Medal, 5741-1981

The "Maccabi" World Federation was established in Europe in 1902. After "Hitlerism" took over Central Europe, the Federation executive moved to Palestine, where every four years an all-Jewish sports event "Maccabiah" is held, recognized by the International Olympics Committee. The 11 th "Maccabiah" in 1981, was attended by 3,500 athletes from 34 countries and was one of the largest Jewish sports events that ever took place.

Obverse: The Maccabee emblem and the inscription: "11th Maccabiah" in Hebrew and English. On the rim the inscription: "Israel 5741, 4-14 Tamuz". In English "Israel 6-16 July, 1981".

Reverse: Figures of athletes engaged in various sports activities and a citation from Isaiah 40:31 "They shall run and not be weary" in Hebrew and English.

Edge: The emblem of the Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation, and its initials in Hebrew and English.

Serialization: The medals are numbered.

Designer: Obverse - Nathan Karp.Reverse - Gabriel Shamir.

Engraving: Obverse - Zechovoy.Reverse - Moshe Nov.

Mint: Hecht