Two Binary Arts puzzles both designed by Ferdinand Lammertink.

1) BackSpin: "The body of the puzzle is a large circular disk, the two sides of which can rotate with respect to each other. Each side has areas in which balls of several colours can move about. There are three areas which run radially like spokes of a wheel from the edge to near the centre, and between them three curved areas along the disk edge. All these areas can hold at most three balls, so there is room for 6·3=18 balls on each side, or 36 balls in total. One ball is missing, creating a hole to which adjacent balls can be moved. A ball can move from one side of the disk to the other if the sides are rotated so that the hole and the ball are one in front of the other. Note that it is possible for a ball to move from a curved area to the outer position in a spoke on the other side, and vice versa."

2) TripleCross: "Triple cross is much more difficult than Port to Port because more tiles take part. Four tiles in a 2x2 square have one large red circle on them. There are also three identical tiles with a horizontal line on them which should go together in any order in a 1x3 rectangle. As in Port to Port, there are two tiles with the Binary Arts logo. The start position has the circle on the far right, the line on the top left, the left plunger is pushed down and its bottom two tiles contain the logo. The aim is to restore this exact position after the puzzle has been mixed."