Activated ,Cleansed Dreamcatcher with feathers, infused with Reiki.
Dreamcatchers are a Native American craft designed to capture negative dreams and filter good dreams into the mind while sleeping. According to, the bad dreams become tangled in the web because they aren't able to navigate the pattern, while the good dreams travel the web and slip down the feathers into the mind. How you display a dreamcatcher is an important part of initiating the magic involved in the dream catching process. Let your dreamcatcher catch all those bad dreams. The best area for hanging a dream catcher is just above your bed, where you sleep. Entry points of doors and windows are also good for hanging it. You can hang them on porch or balconies as well.

Tree of Life meaning - Namely, the tree of life commonly symbolizes a connection to the afterlife, ancestral roots and divinity. Celtic Culture: Celts cherish trees for their spiritual connections to family, ancestors and deities. The tree of life represents the afterlife, and connection between the earth and heaven.

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