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Three Nails One Purpose

by John Lewis

This full-color book is an up close and personal, artistic, and unique look at Jesus' death and resurrection through the different characters of the story from Matthew's gospel.
Three Nails One Purpose can be used for personal or family devotions and your small group experience.
The book is divided into 40 chapters. Included in each are:

  • A scripture section from Matthew 26-28
  • A retelling of the scripture from the perspective of one of the story's characters
  • A prayer and a reflection question
  • A sacred art picture

The goal of Three Nails One Purpose is to help you enter this most important of stories -even more than once, just like many of us do with the Christmas story each year.
The experience of Three Nails One Purpose will help you better know the following:
  • Jesus' purpose at every step of his journey to his death and resurrection
  • Christ's presence is with you similarly in your struggles and suffering
  • This story and its hero, Jesus, deeper in our hearts and imagination.

Brand New


Author John Lewis
Pages 108
Publisher John Lewis
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798987135211
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2023-01-20
Imprint John Lewis
Subtitle The Cross of Christ Was No Accident
Audience General
