Traditional Aiki-Jujutsu

Home Study Course


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Unlock the Secrets of Mastery: Traditional Aikijujutsu Home Study Course!

Dive into Mastery with 7 Action-Packed DVDs and Earn 10 Certificates from White Belt to 3rd Degree Black Belt!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that fuses the ancient traditions of martial arts with the dynamic power of Aikijujutsu? Introducing our unparalleled home study course – a comprehensive guide to Traditional Aikijujutsu that not only shapes your physical prowess but also delves into the rich history and traditions of this revered martial art. The path to becoming a Traditional Aikijujutsu master awaits – kickstart your training today and unveil the extraordinary benefits for both health and self-defense!

Why Traditional Aikijujutsu? A Fusion of Mind, Body, and Spirit

Harmony of Mind and Body:

Traditional Aikijujutsu is more than a martial art; it's a journey towards the harmony of mind and body. Elevate your physical fitness, mental acuity, and spiritual well-being through the practice of this ancient discipline.


Self-Defense Proficiency:

Empower yourself with a skill set designed for real-world self-defense. Traditional Aikijujutsu equips you with the tools to defend yourself effectively, emphasizing techniques that work seamlessly in dynamic, unpredictable situations.


What You'll Master in the Traditional Aikijujutsu Home Study Course


Warm-Up and Conditioning Exercises: Prepare Your Body and Mind

Begin your journey with purposeful warm-up and conditioning exercises. Enhance your flexibility, strength, and focus, ensuring you are primed for the challenges of Traditional Aikijujutsu.


Fundamentals: The Essence of Mastery

Build a strong foundation with fundamental techniques that define Traditional Aikijujutsu. Develop key principles and movements that serve as the building blocks for your martial arts journey.


White Belt Techniques: Embark on Your Path to Mastery

Discover the techniques that mark the initiation of your journey. White Belt techniques lay the groundwork for your mastery, introducing you to the elegant yet potent movements of Aikijujutsu.


Green Belt Techniques: Cultivate Your Skills

Advance your skills with Green Belt techniques that expand your repertoire. Refine your movements and understanding of Aikijujutsu, ensuring a continuous evolution in your martial arts journey.


Brown Belt Techniques: Ascend to Higher Mastery

Ascend to higher levels of mastery with Brown Belt techniques. Delve into the intricacies of Aikijujutsu, mastering techniques that reflect your commitment to excellence.


Black Belt Techniques: The Pinnacle of Skill

Reach the pinnacle of skill with Black Belt techniques. Showcase your mastery of Traditional Aikijujutsu, demonstrating fluidity, precision, and the embodiment of martial arts principles.


History and Traditions: Connect with the Roots

Immerse yourself in the rich history and traditions of Traditional Aikijujutsu. Understand the cultural and philosophical foundations that have shaped this martial art into a way of life.


Street Self-Defense: Practical Applications for Real-World Scenarios

Equip yourself with practical and effective street self-defense techniques. Traditional Aikijujutsu techniques are adapted for real-world scenarios, empowering you to navigate and respond to unforeseen challenges with confidence.


Earn 10 Certificates: Showcase Your Traditional Aikijujutsu Mastery


Track your progress and showcase your achievements with our exclusive certificates. Earn recognition for your journey through warm-up and conditioning, fundamentals, white belt, green belt, brown belt, black belt techniques, history, traditions, and street self-defense. Prove you are a true Traditional Aikijujutsu master!


Begin Your Training Today: Order the Traditional Aikijujutsu Home Study Course!


Don't miss the chance to become a master of Traditional Aikijujutsu. Order now and embark on a transformative journey that promises not only enhanced physical and mental well-being but also a deeper understanding of the timeless traditions that define this martial art. Start your training today and become a living testament to the power of Traditional Aikijujutsu mastery!


Images Above are for advertising purposes only. Actual DVDs, Cases, Inserts, and artwork may differ or vary from what is picture and subject to change without notice.



01.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #1: Warm-Up and Conditioning Exercises:

In this dynamic video, renowned Aikijujutsu Master Miguel Ibarra personally teaches you the proper stretching, warm-up, and conditioning exercises needed to master this explosive martial art. These exercises are a must to avoid injuries and master the more advanced techniques of Aikijujutsu. All martial artists will benefit from the exercises presented.

(approx. 45 mins)


02.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #2: Fundamentals for White to Green Belt:

This video teaches you the fundamental wrist and joint locks of this ancient Japanese martial art. This valuable video is the basis for all future techniques and combinations of Aikijujutsu self-defense movements. Learn the fighting techniques of the Samurai warriors. All techniques shown are required for white to green belt levels in Aikijujutsu.

(approx. 45 mins)


03.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #3: Intermediate Techniques for Brown Belt:

In this exceptional video, renowned Aikijujutsu Master Miguel Ibarra personally teaches you the techniques required to obtain the brown belt level in Aikijujutsu. Included are: Kote Gaeshi, Kansetsu Waza, Shio Nage, Projections, and Irimi Nage. These powerful fighting and self-defense skills bring you to the intermediate level of Aikijujutsu techniques. The numerous joint and wrist locks will add greatly to your self-defense abilities.

(approx. 55 mins)


04.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #4: Advanced Techniques for Black Belt:

Learn the highly advanced joint locks and throwing techniques required for promotion to black belt in this deadly Japanese martial art. You will marvel at the dynamic techniques presented as Master Ibarra sends his opponent flying through the air with explosive precision.

(approx. 50 mins)


05.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #5: Street Self-Defense Techniques Volume 1:

This lesson teaches you how to use the ancient Japanese art of Aikijujutsu against virtually every type of street attack known. You will learn how to quickly throw, strike and apply joint locks to the nerves and joints of your attacker, inflicting excruciating pain. The techniques show how to lock up an assailant so you can totally control his aggression and render him unconscious if needed. A must for everyone’s self-defense arsenal.

(approx. 40 mins)


06.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #6: Street Self-Defense Techniques Volume 2:

In this dynamic video, Master Miguel Ibarra shows how to disarm and defeat a knife, gun, or club wielding assailant. The valuable techniques show how to control your opponent and ways of using an opponent’s weapon against himself. The techniques are demonstrated just as they would happen on the street. The techniques on this video could easily give you the advantage if ever confronted by a weapon wielding attacker.

(approx. 32 mins)


07.   Mastering Aikijujutsu #7: History and Traditions:

Master Miguel Ibarra provides you with great insight into the historic origins of this ancient Japanese martial art. This interview is a must for all martial artists.

(approx. 60 mins)









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  • If you have questions about an item, please ask BEFORE bidding or purchasing. 
  • All items, artwork, DVD cases, DVD inserts, are subject to possible change if an item is updated during the run-time of this listing. If a picture of 5 separate DVDs is shown, but the item is updated and now ships in a single DVD case, refunds will not be permitted based on updates to the cases, packaging or artwork of the sets.  
  • All items are described in as much detail as possible, please read the entire listing before sending questions.
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