Reference Book Chinese Art - Dreams of Spring Erotic Art in China

Reference Book Chinese Art -  Dreams of Spring Erotic Art in China


Erotic art - in letters and in pictures - is an eminent part of the cultural heritage of ancient China, and was already flourishing in pre-Imperial times. With its peak during the late-Ming period, this art remained a fixed feature in Chinese literature and visual arts until well into the 20th century.
At its best, Chinese erotic art is a search for beauty in all its manifestations, for not only does it offer stimulation, it provides a source of great aesthetic pleasure. It never presents sex in a crude or pornographical way, but within a framework of beauty and harmony, enhanced with details of a profound or symbolic nature.
Dreams of Spring presents for the first time the treasures of the Bertholet Collection, one of the world’s most important surviving collections of Chinese erotic art. Many of the pictures reproduced are unique in their style and content, and have never been published before.




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