Carte des États-Unis d’Amérique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d’une Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne

1842 French map of the United States with the Republic of Texas.

A detailed map of the United States, with Mexico and the Republic of Texas. Published in Paris, the map depicts North America in the period between the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, which set the boundaries of several states and gave the United States a territorial foothold on the Pacific Ocean, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848, which ended the Mexican-American War. The latter treaty gave America much of the southwest and California. Our map was published at a time when the United States was becoming increasingly more bellicose towards Mexico, but the war was still a few years away. Thus Mexico extends as far as the present-day southern border of Oregon.

At the time this map was published, twenty-six states had been admitted to the Union. The subsequent two were crucial to the nation’s growing power and ambitious goals: Florida and Texas. Texas on this map is in essence its own nation, a sovereign state known as the Republic of Texas, which existed from 1836 to 1846. The Republic of Texas was of course never recognized by Mexico, which considered it a province in rebellion. France was one of three European nations (with Belgium and the Netherlands) to fully recognize Texas as a sovereign country. This being a French map, Texas is depicted independently, by use of a faint brown border that follows the Nueces River until it meets a dash black line.

While the Republic of Texas is perhaps the feature of greatest interest, the rest of the map offers tremendous detail for a United States that was constantly changing, whether in terms of the extended Arkansas Territory, Native American lands, Northwestern and Missouri Territories, and the ongoing competition with British Crown for control of the Pacific Northwest.


Alexandre Emile Lapie was a commercial mapmaker based in Paris in the first half of the 19th century.