the pagan and the sea – maritime history of the pagan country from the 18th to the 20th century

Editor: LABEL LN
Author: Hirrien Jean-Pierre
Date of print: 2007
Format/size: 2x20x15cm
Binding: Pin
Pages: 367 pages
Language: French
State: Like new
Condition details: Like new
ISBN/EAN: 9782919915156
Reference 500083925
Availability In stock


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the pagan and the sea – maritime history of the pagan country from the 18th to the 20th century LABEL LN Hirrien Jean-Pierre Date of print: Format/size: 2x20x15cm Binding: 367 pages Language: Like new Condition details: Like new ISBN/EAN: 9782919915156 Reference 500083925 Availability In stock Pictures Other books in our catalog The face-to-face break 24 hours in France: Unusual portrait of France and the French An unforgettable decade: 1935-1945 Practical guide to fitness for seniors... and others: All the practical and legal elements to practice restoration... personnel, equipment maintenance... Never as good as at 50! Tiennot Or Île Aux Biard The ballarin guide to Bordeaux restaurants in Bilbao A girl from Congo THE PLEASURES OF LIFE Rats: Knowing them, feeding them, caring