The Nile on eBay

The Million Dollar Soup

by Janet-Lynn Morrison

Imagine a tantalizing $1,000,000 soup, brimming with exotic ingredients that dance on your palate. Surprisingly, the secret to this culinary master- piece lies within us! Yes, you already hold the ingredients for your prosperity.Just like a superb soup, our lives require specific elements skillfully blended to satiate our souls and leave us truly fulfilled. Janet-Lynn understands this concept intimately, viewing each life ingredient as a metaphor for the components that shape our existence. Her unique and illuminating book takes you on a profound journey, illustrating how careful selection and nurturing of these ingredients can lead you to unparalleled satisfaction and success.As engaged readers, we embark on a personal exploration, uncovering our unique purpose, aspirations, and goals. Janet-Lynn's captivating stories and insightful observations inspire us to fashion our own million-dollar mindsets, filled with hope, excitement, and boundless possibilities. With her expert guidance, we discover the art of crafting a life that resonates with our deepest desires.Within these pages, Janet-Lynn invites you to savor The Million Dollar Soup, a metaphorical feast that mirrors the complexity and richness of your life. She invites you to live without limits, where the realm of the impossible begins to intertwine with your reality. Get ready to embrace the transformative power that lies within your mind and venture on a journey towards a life beyond your uninhibited imagination.

Brand New


Author Janet-Lynn Morrison
Pages 176
Publisher Hasmark Publishing International
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781774821756
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-11-08
Imprint Hasmark Publishing International
Subtitle The Recipe for a Meaningful Life
Audience Teenage / Young adult
