"Authentic Yu-Gi-Oh Card Singles" "Dark Magician SDY-006" Ultra Rare Card in a Magnteic Case within a Resealable Bag. SDY Starter Deck Yugi. Year Manufactured/Released: March 29th 2002. Normal Monster Card. Dark Attribute Monster. Spellcaster Type Monster. Level Seven Star Monster.  ATK/2500 DEF/2100. Card Description: The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense. Dark Magician back in the day is, if not one of the most iconic card monsters for the entire game itself. Decks built around for this card alone. If someone had a Spellcaster Deck, you know they'd have a Dark Magician lurking around in there somewhere. I myself had rocked with a "Dark Magician Deck" back when I was still in high school. I think I had like three different decks I could battle with, back then, a Spellcaster Deck, a Warrior Deck, and a Fiend Deck. But when I would use my Spellcaster Deck, you know I had a Dark Magician or three in there. 

*Upon further inspection. I josialar-0 dub these cards both "Heavy Played". The front of the cards are both in pretty good condition, in the "Main Photo" the Dark Magician on the left, has more of a distinctive goldish tint to it, then the one on the right. So you could tell, it came from one of the more newer sets that were printed for the Starter Deck SDY. The the older decks back then for SDY and SDK had a more dullish golden boarder when they first came out in general. The front picture of the card has no scratches on either one of them, the Dark Magician that has the dullish golden boarder has a fairly noticeable crease on the left edge side of the card,  the more goldish card has also a fairly small noticeable crease on the lower right edge of the card. They both still have nice looking pictures on the front. The goldish one has a fairly small mini scratch on the left gold part of the card, you can see with light. The back of the cards on both of them however is where I say why it'll be more on a Heavy Played rather than a Moderately Played. The dullish gold one), on the back of it has   three noticeable indents in middle lower half of the card. The top of it, along the edge has two nicks to it, and the same goes for the right side edges, revealing a little bit of white to it. It has fairly light scratches along the entire back of the card itself and a few minor scuffs therefore losing its glossy effect dramatically. Has about three noticeable specks on the back of it as well. Which concluded my call for "Heavy Played" for this one. The more Goldish card), is in slight better condition but I still have to consider it "Heavy Played" and here's why. The back of the card has about ten different specks all along the entire back of it. Some along on the brown Boarderline, and some within the swirling pattern of the back. If you look at the lower left of the card in the light with a magnifying glass, you could see a fairly small scratch crease going down in a curve angle. The back also has fairly light scratches upon the surface that you could see under a light. Light on the scuffs department as well. And also has two noticeable creases on the bottom. But again, with all that, I still have to consider it Heavy Played. I put my full integrity on it.

*Note for Buyer. All cards are going to be coming in Resealable Bags, so you can open it, to see the cards condition for yourselves, but if you do want to and try to open them, be careful, the Bag can tear, if you open it too much and or roughly. *

Here at Nerds Eye Authentication. My Customers Come First. I carefully examine each and every card and determine a fair price. The pricing on all my cards is based on TCG, price chartting . com.

Yu-Gi-Oh card price.com. Along with others.

With my Magnifying Glass LED Lamp and Sportscards HQ Centering Tool, I can't miss a thing.

I'll be sure to wrap up these well loved card with Bubble Wrap tightly, for a nice safe trip to you. Thanks for your time Ebay Community.