2x Calpol

Saline Nasal Drops



 Unblock Nose | Suitable From Birth | Natural Congestion Relief



Introducing Calpol Saline Nasal Drops - Gentle Relief for Congested Little Noses!


Is your little one struggling with nasal congestion due to allergies, colds, or dry air? Say goodbye to stuffy noses and hello to clear breathing with Calpol Saline Nasal Drops, the trusted solution for gentle nasal relief.


Why Choose Calpol Saline Nasal Drops?


Clinically Proven Formula: Developed by pediatricians, our saline nasal drops are specially formulated for infants and children, providing safe and effective relief from nasal congestion.


Gentle and Non-Medicated: Unlike some nasal decongestants that may contain harsh chemicals, Calpol Saline Nasal Drops are gentle and non-medicated, making them suitable for even the most sensitive noses.


Natural Moisturization: Our saline solution helps moisturize and soothe dry nasal passages, promoting comfortable breathing without causing irritation.


Easy-to-Use Dropper: With our convenient dropper design, administering the nasal drops is quick and hassle-free, even for squirmy little ones.


Versatile Application: Whether your child is dealing with a cold, allergies, or dry air discomfort, Calpol Saline Nasal Drops provide instant relief, helping them breathe easier day or night.


How to Use:


Gently tilt your child's head back.

Place 1-2 drops into each nostril using the easy-to-use dropper.

Allow a few moments for the drops to work their magic.

Watch as your child experiences relief and enjoys clearer breathing.

Recommended for:


Babies and children suffering from nasal congestion

Relief from allergies, colds, and dry air discomfort

Take the first step towards clear, comfortable breathing for your little one. Try Calpol Saline Nasal Drops today!