While muck diving can be enjoyed in any country that has sandy and silty environments, the best area to see the most diverse range of critters is the Indo-Pacific regions which encompasses the muck diving hot-spots of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia plus other great muck diving destinations such as Australia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste. This is the first complete guide to muck diving. It has been designed to introduce the new diver to the wonderful world of muck and to entice experienced muck divers to explore more of this amazing marine ecosystem. Opening chapters explore different muck environments, the history of muck diving, muck diving techniques, photography tips and how indispensable a great muck dive can be. Part two of the book provides information about the most popular muck critters, while part three is a guide to the best muck diving destinations in the Indo-Pacific. In short it's a must-have guide for divers everywhere.