Noted illustrated John Green has rendered 25 exceptionally clear and precise full-color plates of the body's organs and systems: the skeleton, muscles, and skin, as well as the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and other systems. Illustrations also focus on such important organs as the eye, ear, and brain. Each carefully labeled plate is accompanied by an extensive caption written by Dr. John W. Harcup, clearly explaining the nature and purpose of the body part or system represented.

The Skeleton Bones & Joints The Skull Muscles The Spine The Brain Nervous System The Skin & Hair "Nose, Mouth & Throat " The Ear The Eye The Hand & Arm The Leg & Foot Upper Body Body Organs The Heart Blood Circulation The Respiratory System Digestive System Stomach & Intestine "The Liver, Pancreas & Spleen " The Urinary System Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Development of a Baby Index