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Prophetic Virtues and Miracles

by Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

This book will prove invaluable to readers who wish to understand, in the light of the most authenticated and sourced classical Islamic materials, the responsibilities of Muslims in modern age, and the rights of others, and will provide clarity in relation to the Prophet Muhammad's virtues and life, his methods of worship and spiritual practice.

Brand New

Publisher Description

Al-Minhaj Al-Sawi is a milestone work, the first work of its kind for many centuries. It is a compendium of Prophetic Hadiths, categorised under a number of headings and compiled with clear relevance to the lives and situation of Muslims in the modern age. The work is authenticated by a rigorous and detailed process of Takhreej - referencing each hadith to its sources - from a study of over 300 authentic works of hadith. This work will be useful for academics in many relevant fields, whether researching the basis of orthodox Sunni belief and practice, or examining the contemporary Muslim response to religious extremism. It is split into 2 volumes: Prophetic Virtues and Miracles and Righteous Character and Social Interactions. The first part Prophetic Virtues and Miracles will prove invaluable to readers who wish to understand, in the light of the most authenticated and sourced classical Islamic materials, the responsibilities of Muslims in modern age, and the rights of others, and will provide clarity in relation to the Prophet Muhammad's virtues and life, his methods of worship and spiritual practice and other aspects of his Sunnah.

Author Biography

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri is a former professor of Law and Head of Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Legislation at the University of the Punjab. He is also the founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, which has branches and centres in more than 90 countries. He studied classical Islamic sciences under eminent scholars around the world, including Mecca, Medina, Syria, Baghdad, Lebanon, Morocco, India and Pakistan, and has received around 500 authorities and chains of transmission in the various branches of Islamic knowledge. He has authored around 1000 books (over 400 of which are published) and delivered over 6000 lectures around the world.

Table of Contents

-The Esteemed Majesty of the Messengership and the Honoured Station of the Chosen Prophet -Compendium of the Noble Virtues -Miracles and Miraculous Virtues -The Nobility of this Ummah -The Khawarij, the Apostates and the Denigrators of the Prophet


Language English
ISBN-10 1908229012
ISBN-13 9781908229014
Media Book
Format Hardcover
Year 2012
Imprint Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications
Subtitle Al-Minhaj Al-Sawi Part 1
Place of Publication London
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2012-01-31
NZ Release Date 2012-01-31
UK Release Date 2012-01-31
Author Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Pages 384
Publisher Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications
Publication Date 2012-01-31
DEWEY 297.5
Audience General
