The beginning of the telescope started in 1608, by a Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey. According to legend, Lippershey conceived the idea when watching two children holding up two lenses together and it made a distant weather vane appear closer. It consisted of a concave eyepiece aligned with a convex objective lens. He named his invention the Kijker ("looker"), and according to Hans it was able to magnify an object up to three times. Soon in 1609, Galileo would hear about Hans invention, and would craft his own version of the telescope that he would use to peer into the cosmos. The telescope has undergone an incredible transformation since it was first created in the 17th century and would become one of the most advanced scientific pieces devised by man.


-Comes with the lens cap.


-Used, has some oxidization (See images)

-See images for exact item condition


-Scope Length is 18"