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The Devil Rides Out

Making its debut on vinyl is James Bernards soundtrack to Hammers classic 1968 film The Devil Rides Out. Hammer built on previous success in the horror genre by seeking literary adaptations, and this film is based on the Denis Wheatley novel of the same name. The script was written by Richard Matheson, himself a successful author of the novel, I Am Legend (1954), and with gothic horror maestro Terence Fisher directing, the resulting film remains one of Hammers most popular. The story follows Nicholas, The Duc de Richleau (Christopher Lee) in his fight against a devil-worshipping cult. The Duc rescues his young friends and destroys the cult, with good triumphing over evil in a rare heroic role for Lee. The supernatural suspense is further realised by Bernards tense soundtrack, and his music has since become synonymous with Hammers horror oeuvre. James Bernard had already scored releases for Hammer including The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) and Dracula (1958), and his distinctive clashing strings and driving percussion instantly conjure this iconic Hammer film.

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EAN 0738572166670
Format Vinyl
Artist James Bernard
Genre Soundtracks
Label Silva Screen Records
Number of Discs 1
Year 2022
