The Nile on eBay

This Old Dog

Before you ancients out there turn your heads and sco at the premise of a twenty-something rockand-roll gooall calling himself an old-anything, consider this: said perpetrator, he who answers to the name Mac DeMarco, has spent the better part of his time thus far writing, recording, and releasing an album of his own music pretty much every calendar ip, and pretty much on his own. e fresh meat you're now feasting on, is Old Dog, makes for his h in just over half a decade— bringing the total to 3 LPs and 2 EPs. According to the DMV, MacBriare Samuel Lanyon DeMarco is 26. But in working-dog years, ol' Mac here could easily qualify for social security. To stay gold, turns out all he needed was some new tricks. DeMarco wrote some demos for is Old Dog on an acoustic guitar, an unusual yet eye-opening method for him. He also attributes some of the delay to his exploration of new gear he'd purchased, specically a CR-78 drum machine, which he used while writing and can be heard on his album tracks for the rst time ever. "at thing helped a ton, especially for demoing," he says. "It's on the album a lot, maybe four or ve songs. I usually demo on a drum machine and then record real drums, but I liked that machine so much I kept it on the album. e majority of this album is acoustic guitar, synthesizer, some drum machine, and one song is electric guitar. So this is a new endeavor for me." "is record has a lot to do with my family and my life right now and the way I'm feeling and stu," he says. "One of the main goals for this record was trying to make sure I retained some kind of realness. at's the bottom line. Being in any sort of spotlight can be jarring, especially when you're not preoccupied with touring and you're just sitting in your house writing songs. But wherever my bedroom is, the records are gonna be whatever is happening in there. I could be in Alaska and I'm sure it wouldn't change things much.

Brand New

Tracks Description

1. My Old Man 2. This Old Dog 3. Baby You're Out 4. For The First Time 5. One Another 6. Still Beating 7. Sister


EAN 0817949013158
Artist Mac Demarco
Genre Popular Music
Format Vinyl
Number of Discs 1
Year 2017
