Minoxidil aersol foam 5% is a white foam for use only on the scalp to help regrow hair in men. 


Results may occur at 2 months with twice a day usage. For some men, you may need to use this product for at least 4 months before you see results.




Apply half a capful 2 times a day directly onto the scalp in the hair loss area using more or more often will not improve results. Continued use is necessary to increase and keep your hair regrowth, or hair loss will begin again


Before use, read all information on carton.


Will minoxidil topical aerosal foam 5% work for me?


The amount of hair regrowth is different for each person. Not everyone will respond to minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5%. The response to minoxidil topical solution 5% cannot be predicted. It is unlikely anyone will be able to grow back all their hair. 


How soon can I expect results from using minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5%?


Since normal hair usually grows only 1/2 to 1 inch per month, hair regrowth with minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5% also takes time. Results may be seen as early as 2 months with twice daily use. For some men, it may take at least 4 months for results to be seen. If you do not see any results after 4 months, stop using minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5%. When you first begin to use minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5%, your hair loss may increase temporarily for up to 2 weeks. This is likely a sign that you are getting rid of old hairs in order to regrow more new hairs. This temporary increase in hair loss is expected and is a part of the process for how minoxidil topical aerosol foam 5% regrows hair. Remember, this increased hair loss is temporary. However, if it continues after two weeks, see your doctor. 


Active ingredient: Minoxidil 5% w/v

Inactive ingredients: alcohol, propylene glycol, purified water

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