Rebel Army
Trapped Animals
Shelter from the Storm
Crassus V. Spartacus/Agron Rescue
Gannicus V. Caesar
Final Glory
A Free Man/final Credits
Tribute Games
AD Roma
Crassus' Army
Sending Message/Crixus' Fate
Young Offering
Caesar Tested
Crassus' Scheme/Sole Command
Soaring Heights
Decimation/Death Surrounds
Wolf's Bite/Huff and Puff
Spartans in Flight
Roar On
Titans Crash/Leaving City
Returns a Hero
Crixus' Heart/Alpha Fight
Everything Is Clear
Agron Crucified
Cry of Freedom
Gannicus Crucified
Remembrance/Honor the Fallen

Format: CD (1 Disc)

Country: USA

Release Date: 16 April, 2013

Label: Spartacus

Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.6 x 12.7 centimeters (0.04 kg)