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Welsh Sheepdog Guide Welsh Sheepdog Guide Includes

by Sam Turner

This guide is a truly unique and informative book which is full of reliable and time tested information - written for the admirers and owners of this wonderful breed. Easy-to-read and in-depth in its nature - you will thoroughly enjoy your experience with this training guide. A wealth of reliable methods and procedures, alongside detailed advice for current or soon-to-be-owners is contained within. Contributed to by a series of specialist dog trainers, this book is certainly a must have addition to your collection.

Brand New


Author Sam Turner
Pages 136
Publisher Desert Thrust Ltd
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781395863821
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-07-01
Imprint Desert Thrust Ltd
Subtitle Welsh Sheepdog Training, Diet, Socializing, Care, Grooming, Breeding and More
Audience General
