Four heads for three piece safety razors. All have a standard 5mm thread to fit the vast majority of handles (but will not fit the 4.5mm thread used on eg Fatip handles). They could provide variety for someone who already has a three piece razor, or be paired with a cheap razor handle (I have none spare to include at present).

Generic clone of Muhle R41 - unused, I got it to make an order up to the value for free postage. It has a couple of pimples in the chrome on the top plate which shouldn't make any difference in use. By reputation, they are aggessive like the R41 but a bit smoother. Having never used either, I can't comment.

Double open comb, generic clone of Yaqi Mellon/Razoroc Sloc - unused. I have another of these, and find that an incredibly smooth head with no blade feel.

Yaqi scalloped head - I have tried this out, then sterilised it. These look almost identical to an EJ DE89 or Muhle R89, but in fact are more aggressive - if the DE89 is a 3 out of 10, this is maybe a 5.

Yaqi Mercury - I have tried this out, then sterilised it. Has a large blade gap (c.1.25mm?) but little or no blade exposure, so actually makes for a mild, yet efficient head. It is very effective within a narrow angle range, but if you stray either side of that the blade loses contact.

The base plate from the Yaqi scalloped head and the top cap from the Mellon/Sloc together would make a fifth head, the Yaqi Beast, which is regarded as aggressive.