Mont Blanc  Luxe Meisterstuck Sterling Silver 2 Tone Solitaire Rollerball Pen in Montblanc Black Box lined in cream luxe fabric.

Please NOTE: Included are two black and one blue refill in refill boxes  There is NO refill in pen when shipping. The ink can dry out if left in the pen for a length of time.Store in Mont Blanc Black Box when not in use AND ALWAYS WITH CAP ON. If you travel do not put your pen in your shirt pocket.Due do changes in air pressure in Airlines any ink pen can leak. The last photo shows all items in shipment!
Please view and enlarge all photos before selection. as I DO NOT TAKE RETURNS..PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS.
It is my buyers responsibiliy to view all photos  provided and read all features & listing conditions...The pen is monogrammed with initials ETF.  This is a beautiful rare Mont Blanc vintage writing instrument to use for the Art of Writing!