HappyDog fit & vital Mini Puppy 4kg/8.8 lbs pack

"Gluten-free complete feed for small-breed puppies"

Made In Germany

Highly digestible puppy food for mini dogs in their first year of life      

Happy Dog fit & vital Mini Puppy is an especially well-balanced complete feed for puppies from 1 month onwards. It is ideal for problem-free and gentle feeding of sensitive puppies of all small dog breeds up to 10 kg adult weight. The wheat-free recipe offers a balanced variety of five selected top quality animal proteins. Well tolerated lamb, easy to digest poultry, tasty beef, nutritious fish and high-quality egg protein ensure the steady growth and optimum development of your puppy. The valuable New Zealand mussels help to ensure that your little puppy’s musculoskeletal system develops as it should. Calcium and vitamin D3 are to a large extent responsible for the strength and optimum development of the bones. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids from fish and linseed promote a glossy coat and healthy skin. Linseed combined with a complex of vital substances from special yeasts, antioxidants and herbs supports the gut flora and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The perfect puppy food for small dog breeds

And your puppy’s immune system mustn’t miss out, which is why vitamin C is essential in a puppy food. Based on the Happy Dog Natural Life Concept®, your dog is supplied with all he needs to benefit his body holistically, giving him a care-free start to a long and healthy life.

How long should fit & vital Mini Puppy be given?

Happy Dog fit & vital Mini Puppy is ideal from 4 weeks through to 12 months. Small breeds up to 10 kg (weight of the adult dog) grow up faster and at a more even rate than large breeds. So they are fed Happy Dog Mini Puppy products from 1 to 12 months old. When your pet reaches 13 months, you should gradually change over to a suitable Adult food. We recommend Happy Dog fit & vital Mini Adult, for example.

Complete feed for puppies & young dogs up to 10 kg adult weight from 4 weeks to 12 months.

Balanced range of proteins


Gluten-free formulation


Small croquettes


Easily digestible


Analytical constituents

Crude protein 30.0 %, crude fat 16.0 %, crude fibre 2.5 %, crude ash 7.5 %, calcium 1.45 %, phosphorus 1.1 %, sodium 0.35 %, omega 6 fatty acids 3.5 %, omega 3 fatty acids 0.4 %

EXPIRY: 8/2025

Shipping & Handling Policy  
Handling time: 2 days . International delivery time usually takes 5-8 days (max 2 weeks),depending UPON country & location due to customs clearance at Airport and time during flight transit. Tracking No. Provided on Dispatch