15+ Bare Root Gooseneck Loosestrife Perennial Live Starter Plants CT Garden. Plants will be harvested from my established gardens the morning of shipment. Great filler and ground cover.

(The tops will be cut off to give more strength to root in your garden. Super hardy and they spread well). Pictures are from areas in my personal garden.

🍃This vigorous grower has attractive, smooth, narrowly oval pointed leaves that are mid green above, pale green beneath. Tiny saucer-shaped white blossoms are produced in dense, tapered terminal spikes, 4 to 8 inches long, that curve gracefully over and down from July to September. Leaves turn to rich gold in autumn.


Grow in rich, moist but well-drained soil that does not dry out in summer. May need support. Control vigorous habit by digging up new shoots.


Divide in spring or autumn.