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Killer Elite (previously published as The Feather Men)

by Ranulph Fiennes

Originally published under title: The feather man. London: Bloomsbury, 1991.

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Publisher Description

The "enthralling page-turner" (Library Journal) now a major motion picture starring Jason Statham, Clive Owen, and Robert De Niro!

Here is a gripping novel, inspired by real-life events, about a private team of British vigilantes that sets out to eliminate a gang of cold-blooded contract killers. From 1977 to 1990, four former British soldiers die, one by one, supposedly due to accident or illness. But soon a link is established between the victims: a shared mission in the desert kingdom of Oman, where they fought for a sultan against insurgents and ruined the life of a rival sheikh, who in turn has sent a band of assassins to methodically slay the soldiers and salvage his pride. Now these clever assassins are on the run from an underground group of SAS vets with nothing to lose, no time to waste, and a desire to dispense their own form of justice—no matter the cost.

Previously published as The Feather Men

Author Biography

Ranulph Fiennes has traveled to the most dangerous and inaccessible places on earth. In the process he lost nearly half his fingers to frostbite, nearly died on several occasions, and raised millions for charity. He discovered the lost city of Ubar in Oman, was the first man to reach both poles by surface travel, and was also the first to cross the Antarctic continent unsupported. In 1993, Queen Elizabeth II awarded him the Order of the British Empire for "human endeavor and charitable services." An elite soldier, athlete, mountaineer, and renowned explorer, Fiennes is also the author of nineteen books of both fiction and nonfiction.


"Marvelously entertaining."—Kirkus Reviews
"Highly suspenseful."—Publishers Weekly

Review Quote

"Marvelously entertaining." -Kirkus Reviews

Excerpt from Book

1 Daniel had never left home before. Vancouver in the clean, crisp summer of 1945 was full of wonder to this prospector''s son from a remote village on the Arctic coast of Alaska. The reason for this happy visit was the end of the war in Europe and the return of his father by troopship that day. Amid whirling bunting and the cheering of proud relatives, the veterans clambered off the Canadian Pacific steam train, some to renew their previous lives and loves, many to face the bitter realization of unattainable dreams or unexpected betrayals. Daniel did not notice that his father was thin and gaunt, for he was still a great bear of a man and he bore gift-wrapped parcels of exciting shapes. A taxicab took the family to their cheap lodgings close to Lion''s Gate bridge. After tea and once the first waves of excitement were spent, Father made his long-planned pronouncement. "We have six days before the steamer takes us home, my hidjies." Nobody knew why he called them that-only that it had a good, warm meaning. "And we will never forget these days, because the Hun are smashed forever and we are together." The deep, flaky bilberry pie did the rounds again and everyone slept well despite their excitement, all six to the single bedroom. The days flickered by in a kaleidoscope of happiness. They watched folk skiing on the lower slopes of Mount Grouse, on long planks of wood that looked impossible to control. Many skiers came to grief and Dan and his family laughed till the tears came. They took a horse and cab to the wharves, bought toffee apples and walked hand in hand to watch the tradesmen at the sugar factory, and the trawlers with their brawny crews. Thousands more soldiers and sailors returned on giant troopships and the family joined the welcoming crowds. They saw the zoo and a pantomime, gazed at the sleaze of Gas Town and sang with gusto on the Sunday, for Mother and Father were keen Presbyterians, he with his Dutch Reform Church upbringing and she with a background of Wyoming and pioneer stock. The Sunday before they were to take the steamer north, Father sprang his big surprise . . . There was a traveling circus in town and, dammit, they would check it out that very night. Before the great event they squeezed into a packed church and joined in the songs of praise and the prayers of thanksgiving of the Vancouver people for the deliverance of their loved ones. Then to the circus. Clowns, elephants that could count, a giraffe, bears in kilts, dwarves, a sasquatch monster from the forests of the Rocky Mountain Trench, black fuzzy men, balloon shoots for prizes, and coconuts from the South Pacific propped on posts. Even at five, brought up among Eskimo children, Daniel could throw the wooden ball straight and true. And he could shoot a light gun with fair accuracy providing he could take his time. He glowed with pride at his armful of coconuts and wooden teddies. They cried with delight inside the sparkling waterways of the Canal of Love; they oohed and aahed with delicious horror in the House of Screams as ghouls of sacking and animal bones swished by on unseen pulleys. Everyone but seven-year-old Naomi, who hated heights, was awed when Father pointed to the monstrous Roller-Wheel with its eighteen swinging gondolas. Daniel sat on his narrow seat, filled with curiosity and sticky-lipped with candy floss. An Indian and a grinning Chinaman, both in top hats, checked that the family were all strapped in. Because he was so little he was jammed in beside eleven-year-old Ruth, his eldest sister. In front of him sat Naomi, his mother''s hands clenched about her and, at the prow of the gaily painted craft, just behind the carved redskin figurehead with its fearsome features, sat their father, beaming with pride and forever glancing over his shoulder to check that his brood were "having the finest time of their lives," especially his dear wife, to whom he had sworn that very morning, as he held her close, that he would never, never leave her again . . . not for the Commonwealth nor yet for the King himself. As other families took their seats, the great twinkling wheel rotated in fits and starts until all the gondolas were filled with laughing, or gaping, passengers. Then a whistle blew, the Chinaman waved a flag and two gates of steel clanged shut below them. Daniel smelled hot oil and roasted chestnuts. The cool air lifted Naomi''s golden hair. Dad shouted, "Hold on, my love. Hold tight, my little darlings . . . try to kiss the stars." The wheel spun ever faster and Daniel loved the speed, the height, the newness of it all. Only when Naomi screamed did the intense wonder that he felt begin to fade. And as his other sisters started to moan, even big Ruth, he knew that he too should be sensing fear. But he felt only more aware, more able to observe and consider. The giddy, lurching passage of the gondola was not as before. Something had changed. They were out of kilter with the mother wheel. He saw sparks in growing streams and a broken spar. Their cockleshell had come away from its housing on one side and as they swung over the top of the great arc and began the downward rush, so the remaining hinge-spar split and they were free, cartwheeling through space. Nobody heard their screaming as they fell, for the carousels and the brass bands, the loudspeakers and sideshow criers produced a cacophony of sound that would have drowned out the knell of doom. And nobody saw the lace bonnet of young Anna, who clung by herself to the rearmost seat, glide and dip away like a falling kite. The gondola crashed through the canvas of a small marquee. Ruth''s body and the whim of chance saved Daniel''s life. He was thrown against a pile of clothing. The wind was knocked out of him and his legs were broken but he remained fully conscious. He saw the wrecked and green-painted prow, the head of a warrior, deeply impaled in the bowels of a fat Gypsy lady. He saw that his mother and Naomi had landed, tightly embracing, on the Gypsy''s table. Their heads had come together with such force that the gray hair and the golden hair seemed to sprout from a single pulp. They were mercifully still but for their stockinged legs, which jerked in time with the billowing canvas of the ruined tent. Of sister Anna he could see no trace: perhaps an angel had caught her in the air and she was saved, as he was. He could feel no pain, only a desperate need to gulp for more air. He thought he heard his name whispered aloud. Father was staring down at him, attached by one arm to the shattered upper end of the main tent pole. But now he was foreshortened, like the circus dwarves, for his torso had been severed at the waist. Daniel could see this all so clearly, for his father''s remains were close above him and the mouth, agape beneath the thick moustache, did indeed seem to pout with the shape of Daniel''s name. From that moment until the present day, whenever de Villiers felt the images of that night hover at the fringes of his mind, he clenched his fists and forced them away. With the passage of years, the warmer human emotions, with which he had been genetically blessed, remained in place on the far side of his self-imposed shutter. By excluding his sensitivities, de Villiers had retained his sanity. He was, but for his chosen profession as a contract killer, a pleasant enough human being . . . 2 Dhofar is the southern province of Oman, sharing desert borders with Saudi Arabia and South Yemen. In the 1960s a band of Dhofari nationalists, aiming to rid their country of an oppressive Omani sultan, visited the USSR in search of support. Their nationalist and Muslim aspirations were soon redirected by the Soviets into a new guerrilla unit called the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman (PFLO). The unit''s Marxist fighters, operating on their own home ground, were frighteningly efficient and for a while invincible. Fortunately, in 1970, Qaboos bin Said exiled his reactionary father, became the new sultan and proclaimed an amnesty. Many terrorists responded and were formed into armed firqat groups to fight against their former comrades, often from the same tribe or family. Amr bin Issa, Sheikh of the Bait Jarboat tribe in Dhofar, was not a happy man. At forty-seven he was envied by many of his fellow jebalis, mountain tribesmen, for he was rich-richer than most jebalis could imagine. As a seventeen-year-old Amr had left home with an uncle and sailed the Gulf waters in sardine dhows. For a while he worked as a gardener in Bahrain and as a delivery courier around town using a Lambretta moped. He had a keen eye for business and took advantage of the newfound wealth of the United Arab Emirates to set up a grocery and hardware shop in Dubai. A retail chain of Woolworth''s lookalikes then evolved, second only to Khimji Ramdas in size and profitability. Amr had married young, for he had a strong sexual appetite. His first wife was a great disappointment to him. She was an orphan girl who, like the majority of Dhofari women, had been brutally circumcised soon after birth. Her clitoris had been removed and, with it, most of her sensuality. Two sons were born who remained with their mother when Amr divorced her and went abroad. She remarried a man from the Bait Antaash and Amr rarely saw the two boys. Nonetheless they remained the blood of his blood. His second marriage was altogether different. At the age of twenty- four he stopped off at an island on a fishing voyage and fell in love with a fourteen-year-old Shahra girl, Shamsa. Even before he discovered that her sexuality was intact he


Author Ranulph Fiennes
Language English
ISBN-10 0345528085
ISBN-13 9780345528087
Media Book
Series Random House Movie Tie-In Books
Residence ENK
Birth 1944
Year 2011
Publication Date 2011-09-06
Subtitle A Novel
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2011-09-06
NZ Release Date 2011-09-06
US Release Date 2011-09-06
UK Release Date 2011-09-06
Pages 400
Publisher Random House USA Inc
Format Paperback
Imprint Random House Inc
Audience General
