new bag Everylife diapers 35 diapers size 1
my baby grew out of them trying to sell to help next month cost.  
these are the best baby diaper you can buy try a bag 
as shower gift they will love you so much for showing them there is a better baby diaper out there 


A promise about our products

At EveryLife, we believe in providing for — and protecting — the next generation. And that starts with changing diapers to ensure that the products we use on babies from the moment they are born are nothing but the best. The EveryLife diaper is that diaper — one that is comfortable, yet performs under pressure, keeps your baby’s skin clear and dry, and most importantly, is carefully designed to limit or eliminate the use of harsh chemicals that are harmful to your baby’s developing brain and body.

A promise to our community

We unapologetically choose to celebrate life. Because every child is a gift from above that deserves to be loved, protected, and celebrated — every single day. And our community will be just that: men and women who are joyful about raising children, celebrating life, and championing parenthood. Whether you're in the trenches of raising little ones, hoping to have kids soon, or watching your own children become parents, you belong here. We know there are millions of family members and friends who are aligned with our values but may not have babies at home — which is why we established our ‘buy for a cause’ program — because we want you to be part of this, too.

A promise to our moms

Mom, God has created you to sustain life. You make the hard decisions to protect your little ones every single day and do it with strength and grace. We are here by your side delivering excellent products you can trust, unrivaled customer service, and a community of like-minded parents you can turn to. Women become moms under a variety of circumstances, and we are here to support all of you.

A promise to our dads

Dads, we know being a father is the most important and rewarding job you'll ever have. While many companies in our culture have promoted the weakening of men in American society and spread the notion that masculinity is somehow toxic, EveryLife knows that is nonsense. We stand with strong fathers and know millions of you are out there working hard to provide for and protect your children. We will connect you with a community of like-minded men around this Nation who are proud to be an EveryLife Dad.