Seven episodes included in this release, essentially to showcase the series prior to release of further Skunk Fu DVD's during 2008:

The Art of the Touch
The Art of Kung Fruit
The Art of the Double Cross
The Art of No Mind
The Art of Hospitality
The Art of Tunnelling
The Art of Brain Washing
Skunk is a Kung Fu pupil under the tutelage of the all-knowing and wise Panda, but in the vein of all young enthusiastic pupils, he just wants some action rather than to complete his boring training. When he inevitably gets into a scrape, it's either the sultry Fox or the brash Rabbit that come to his aid.

On the side of the baddies are the awesome Ninja monkeys. Not so much awesome because they are good at fighting, just because there's loads of them and they provide the most entertainment to Skunk and his mates. Leading the bad guys are Dragon and Baboon. Dragon is the main man, but trapped in an icy lake he can still exert his power of his no.2 Baboon, an English RSM type figure (sort of like Windsor Davies gone slightly more sour).

Each episode lasts about 10-12 minutes each and has a moral to it. The humour should appeal to adults as well as kids, I found myself laughing quite openly right the way through. This was fantastic and I can't wait to see some more (please).