"The System", UK Blu Ray

A fantastic gift for drama fans!

Limited Edition of 3000 with booklet.

The first of six collaborations between two of British cinemas most infamous figures – Oliver Reed (The Damned, The Triple Echo) and Michael Winner (Death Wish) – The System finds both at their creative peak.

Reed is leader of a gang of youths, who spend a hot summer season in Devon in pursuit of women – including Jane Merrow and Barbara Ferris.

Filmed on location, and shot by the great Nicolas Roeg before he turned his attentions to directing, The System boasts a fine supporting cast, including Julia Foster (Alfie), Harry Andrews (The Deadly Affair), and David Hemmings (Fragment of Fear).

  • Audio commentary with film historians Thirza Wakefield and Melanie Williams (2019)
  • Getting the Girl (2019, 18 mins): actor Jane Merrow reflects on the film’s production and her role as Nicola
  • Drinking and Dancing (2019, 6 mins): actor John Porter-Davison recalls the experience of making The System
  • Fun and Games (2019, 4 mins): actor Jeremy Burnham discusses working with Oliver Reed and Michael Winner
  • Haunted England (1961, 24 mins): Winner’s tongue-in-cheek Eastmancolor travelogue about stately homes and other famous places with ghostly tales to tell, hosted by broadcaster David Jacobs
  • Image gallery: promotional and publicity material
  • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
  • World premiere on Blu-ray
  • LIMITED EDITION EXCLUSIVE 32-page booklet with new essay by Andy Miller, extracts from Winner’s memoir Winner Takes All: A Life of Sorts, an overview of contemporary critical responses, Vic Pratt on Haunted England, and film credits
  • Region: B
  • Duration: 90 mins
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
  • Audio: English: LPCM Mono
  • Subtitles: English SDH
Disc in MINT condition, with booklet.

** This is an original Blu Ray I do not sell copies!! ** This is an original Blu Ray. I do not sell copies!! **