A fully painted and based (to high battle ready standard, see photos) Necron army. All bases are done with Geek Gaming Scenics' "Tomb World" Base Ready mix and are magnetized for storage/transport. Some models kit-bashed from the EBT kits.
Please reach out if you have questions. Downsizing my 40k collection to make room for more 30K models. Thanks for looking!

 97 models included. I will package the models well, (all will be wrapped individually and protected) but they are thin plastic models some damage may occur during shipping. If some damage does occur, feel free to reach out for advice on repairs.

HQ Choices:
Royal Warden
Catacomb Command Barge, Overlord model can be removed and is based

5x Lychguard
5x Immortals
6x Skorpehk Destroyers
2x Plasmacytes
60x Necron Warriors
12x Scarab Swarms

Triarch Stalker (Heat ray and Gauss Blaster are magnetized)
2x Doomstalkers