There seems no better place to learn about a specific period in history than from magazines and newspapers of the time. What were people talking about in 1913? Stories: A Unique Incident in American National Politics; Peace in Europe Threatened by Events in the Balkans; Why Railroad Men Should Vote for Taft by William C. Brown Senior Vice-President of the New York Central Railroad. Noteworthy Current Happenings Illustrated: Australia's Welcome to the US Fleet; Philadelphia’s 225th Birthday; Aeronaut Beechey in his Balloon; Tearing Down Old Historic City Hall in Chicago. Peace in Europe Threatened by Events in the Balkans. Why Railroad Men Should Vote for Taft by William C. Brown Senior Vice-President of the New York Central Railroad. Financials: Jasper’s Hints to Money-makers; Good Reports from the Ophir Mines. Advertisements: Underberg the Worlds Bet Bitters; Keene Hair Specialist No More Bald Heads; Gillette Safety Razor. This may interest: Collectors of vintage newspapers and magazines; Those who love to study the ways of the world in the early 1900s (1908 in particular). Includes: Leslie’s Weekly from October 1908. See photos for condition. Copyright year 1908 by Leslie’s Weekly. Size: 11” x 16"